It’s Almost Time . . .02/18/13
It’s about that time of year when summer sandals for the next season start trickling out online. For the past few years I’ve been searching to no avail for simple, flat, black leather sandals. When it comes to shoes I prefer ones that will last and can be repaired, so I can wear them “forever and ever!”. That’s how I justify buying things to friends who think I’m nuts for spending “too much”. I just don’t believe in buying badly made, throw-away things. Maybe I’m old-school, or maybe I’m an old lady who should have been born decades earlier, but I just love, love, love going to the shoe repair guy and picking up my freshly buffed, repaired shoes with new soles. It’s just so satisfying! And they keep looking better and better. Oh, I suppose there’s one exception – sneakers/running shoes. There isn’t much you can do with those.
Anyway, I’m liking the Rag & Bone Leyla sandals up top, and below that, the Common Projects ones I missed the boat on last year. However, there’s a new development this year. I found a sandal making workshop with Rachel Corry, run by Gravel & Gold. I think the next one is in March. The only problem is they’re in San Francisco. Although, the cash for two nice pairs of shoes or sandals could pay for the workshop and the flight from Toronto. Hmmm . . .