Jamaica, Part 1 of a Few – Feeling Irie & Stuff

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Jamaica. Portland Parish to be exact. The north eastern part of the island turned out to be so much more than I had expected. To be honest I didn’t know what to expect. I hadn’t done much research prior to leaving, so maybe it was a bit of a happy accident.

I stayed in Hope Bay, a small town in Portland. A random survey of Jamaicans will tell you “It’s a beautiful place, a place for lovers.”, “Not a nice place, nothing there.”, “Well, that’s off the beaten track!”, and “Be careful when it rains. Crocodiles will be at your door.”  Amazing.  My bedroom at the Greenhouse, opened onto a wraparound porch overlooking the ocean. I saw some geckos. That guy had never been to Hope Bay.

Other random notable things were:

  1. Roadside fruit stands selling things I had never seen before, like star apples! The cute girl pictured above helped out at her mom’s stand and paused for a photo. If I could pose like that I’d be all over this blog. Just kidding, no I wouldn’t . . . or would I?
  2. On my birthday I saw a double complete rainbow! It reminded me of the double rainbow guy. Oddly I didn’t quite have the same reaction.
  3. There were so many bad dogs everywhere.
  4. I think I saw Jah. (Last photo. Those are rays of Jah, no?)


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