Winter is a Great Time . . .

fruittart_web icecream_sandwich_web

. . . for eating ice cream sandwiches.

  1. There are no line ups or crowds of people wanting to taste every flavour.
  2. It doesn’t melt as fast.
  3. It’s cold outside, but it’s warm inside, so there’s really no difference. It might even be more satisfying, like eating ice cream while watching people exercise.

This super amazing monster sandwich is from Bakerbots. It barely fits in your hand and definitely won’t fit in your face without some effort, but so worth it. This one is filled with London Fog (Earl Grey) ice cream. Another interesting flavour to try is Bellwoods Stout. And if you’re adamant about not eating ice cream in winter, they have plenty of yummy pastries and cakes ready to get in your belly. My favourite is the Oreo cake or Oreo cupcakes.

There are also vegan and gluten free options if you’re of that persuasion.


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