Posts Tagged ‘Punta del Diablo’

Punta del Diablo

Monday, March 14th, 2011

We arrived at this small fishing village at midnight in the middle of a rain storm.  I won’t go into too many details, but you can probably imagine how our night unfolded in this town where the streets have no names, or if they did there were no signs, with barely a street light, and our very limited Spanish, looking for a hotel called La Posada, which literally translates to “the inn”.  When they opened 19 years ago they were probably the only inn around, but I can tell you most definitely this is no longer the case.  And in the pouring rain these were the directions we were following: “From the Prefectura de Marina, with the sea to your right, walk 120 metres.”

We woke up to the sound of crashing waves, and to my surprise I was not drowning.  What a great way to start the day.  We opened the doors to the balcony and this was our view.  After a week of hustling around Buenos Aires, and a few long nights and days traveling between places, this was perfect.  All there was to do was sleep, eat, surf, or lie around on the never ending beaches.  So that’s what we did for four days.

Punta del Diablo