Sunday @ The Brick Works

the-made-and-found-brickworks-junction-4-webthe-made-and-found-brickworks-junction-3-web the-made-and-found-brickworks-junction-2-webthe-made-and-found-brickworks-junction-web

It was really nice to meet everyone who came by yesterday at Evergreen Brick Works.  The Junction Flea just started having shows there this summer. It was the first market I’ve ever done and I survived. Yay! Crashed out as soon as I got home. Here are a few pics. From the show, not of me crashing out.

  1. A super cute furry buddy came by for a visit.
  2. I was stationed across the way from the Indie Ale House. Cold beer! Yum!
  3. Some new fall colours.
  4. Sets of travel/shoe bags.


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